I can't believe how time has been flying by. Work has been so busy and I have been working on a big project which was completed today. Whew.
My life has been like this: (I know - its SO exciting.)
- Wake up at 6am to pump for Max's day at the sitter.
- Feed Max when he wakes up around 7am.
- Get him dressed and ready for the day.
- Entertain and play with him for a little bit. Get online for work, calls and emails.
- Run Max two blocks to the sitters.
- Come back, work and not lift my head up until an alarm appears reminding me to pump.
- Back to work. Eat lunch. Work. Pump. etc etc until 5pm.
- Run over to Paula's to pick Max up.
Let the good times roll....

Here's a cute pic of Danny and the little man on 24th Street, after having dinner at Sushi Bistro. Love love love this pic of Max wearing my sunglasses.
So today I went to Whole Foods determined to get Max some rice cereal. Danny and I have been debating when to start him on solids. At his pediatrician's office, there are 2 doctors. One said to wait until he was 6 months and the other one said we could start now. Gah doctors always contradicting each other. He's just turning five months. The reason to wait, would be that it gives his body a little longer to develop more digestive enzymes. However, I feel like a good indication that he's ready to start on "real" food is that he always is chewing on his fingers/hands. Also, when we eat dinner, he sits on the table in a bouncer and stares at us while we eat. Max is already almost 20lbs (roughly) so he's not starving :) I say 'roughly' as I weighed him last week on the Wii Fit Plus and he was 18 lbs. 5 months and 18 lbs - he's going to be a Big 'Un Ok getting back to his "first meal" - We weren't able to give it to him tonight as he was too sleepy and almost falling asleep at dinner. Tomorrow night it is.
As the Cheap Ass Bitch will agree, I am a deal finder. I found Max a Jumperoo this past weekend on Craigslist. I've been on the thriftstore circuit finding lots of great clothes and books for Max. He's growing out of clothes so fast, I just can't see spending alot of money on them. However, I have found some darling stuff at thrift stores. Thrift Town on Mission Street is my favorite so far. I am very careful not to get any older clothes as some of the zippers or buttons can contain lead. So no cute vintage Levi's jean jackets for Max. Only Gap jean jackets from last season. He's still styling. H&M has some absolutely darling stuff too...and its not too costly.
I've noticed that I have no time to shop for myself - and when I do - I end up shopping for Max. This has really put a damper on my deal finding of designer goods. This means that I have been doing alot of shopping online. Actually I do a lot of shopping cart filling online. I never seem to be able to convince myself to purchase. I monitor the items that I like such as this cute cardigan... But once again a slave of reviews, read the 1 review and was deterred from buying.
ahh I forgot just how good Hoegaarden beer is. I'm having one while I blog and Max's sleeps. This is the life.
Ok MM is going to look for some bargains while enjoying the rest of this Hoegaarden
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