- Potholes in SF
- Graffiti in our hood, no more Bart Simpson
- Max! Sleeping more, updates on 4 mo old visits, to vaccinate vs. not vaccinating.
Potholes can suck it: On Mother's Day we are heading back from Palo Alto after having a great meal with the family. I exit the Potrero exit and head up Ceaser Chavez, which I have done a thousand times before. This time however, I hit a MASSIVE pothole which popped our front tire. Thankfully, I was able to make it home before the tire went totally flat. What a great way to end my first Mother's day! I was fuming. We had extended warrenty which covered problems such as popped tire/bent rims and was able to get it fixed no problems. I went onto my fav local blog, Mission Local and filed a ticket with the city. They have a Google map where you can tag and ticket issues in the hood. Little did I know, that in filing a ticket it submits it to all the government agencies. I made a snitty little remark mentioning that I'd like to see some Tax Dollars at work for a change - and the pothole was fixed 2 days later! To quote He-Man, "I have the power!!"
Graffiti: On Alabama and 22nd, the corner is continually tagged with our local gang insignia. They cross one out and write another - which goes on for ages and it only covered up when the building owners paint over it. The reason I see this every day is I walk by it to drop Max off at his babysitter Paula's house. The graffiti that never seemed to get painted over was a character that looked like Bart Simpson. I loved seeing this "tag" with stand all the gang tagging. So the other day, I turn the corner and felt my heart drop. Bart had been covered up. Noooooo! But it was covered up by a group of guys commissioned to cover up the entire wall with art. The wall is still being worked on but looks amazing. I mentioned to one of the guys that I was sad to see Bart Simpson gone and he mentioned that he was going to try to work it into the piece. Yay! Bart lives on!!
Last but not least - the little man has been sleeping so great. Happy Days are here again! His 4 month old visit went very well - He's getting so big at already 17lbs and 27" long. He did well with his vaccines, which is the most painful thing for me. The first time he got a shot I made the mistake of watching. The needle was so long going into his little leg. It was traumatizing for me! But he was a champ.

Quite the happy little guy - always smiling and laughing. His new thing is sucking on his fingers. Does not like pacifiers whatsoever.
MM out. Be back soon. xo
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