I feel like I've been running around "like a chicken with my head cut off." As it turns out, moving to NY is back on the table for us. Danny decided to take the job in NY (which starts July 1st!). This means we are selling our place here in SF and hauling all of our shit, errr precious goods, across the country. Danny was in NY this past week looking for apartments and had little luck. That meant that Max and I had to fend for ourselves this past week. It was lonely and Danny missed his First Father's Day. So this week, we have to finish packing our place and be ready for the movers who are coming on Monday to pick up everything. Max and I are going to stay with mi madre in the Haight until Danny has been able to find us an apartment. Needless to say, Max and I will be living out of suitcases for the next month. He's just 6 months old (on July 4th) and already he's living out of a suitcase.
For all my cheap ass bitches out there, I found this 15% off coupon at Kohl's which I just used tonight! Yeah...you can thank me later. Max has been getting so big that he has nothing to sleep in. I feel like I'm doing a load of laundry every night just so he has something to sleep in. I finally broke down and bought his some 12 month old Pj's. He might be living out of a suitcase, but at least he's got his pj's!
So much more has happened recently and I will have to elaborate more on it very shortly. I hope to have more free time coming my way very soon.
Looking forward to seeing my bestie DesNeiges this week and next weekend at her brother's wedding up in Calistoga.
Oh, he is so handsome!! I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at the wedding!