Friday, October 30, 2009

Having a cold and being pregnant = not fun.

Last week me and my basketball were in Ohio. It was a productive trip, and I was able to take the team out bowling. Let me mention, that I kicked some ass bowling as I got a Turkey while 7.5 months pregnant! What What!? I still have Mad Bowling Skills

I brought back with me was a cold. I am just now am starting to feel better. Its been a hard week. I was so congested that it was hard to breathe. I was taking Sudafed (30 mg) as per my Doctors instructions, which seemed to temporarily work. I developed a cough mid week and discover the most magical elixir out there - Robatussin. That did wonders for my cough and the Sudafed eventually cleared up my congestion.

I had to get a girlie checkup, which you know is never pleasant. Argh Cold Duck Lips. I discovered that getting a checkup while 30 weeks pregnant - as well as having a cold is impossible. First of all, I was told (or maybe I read it?) that lying on my back for a period of time is not good as it restricts blood flow thru the Vena Cava and might affect the baby. So I started thinking about that while looking up at the ceiling. The exam seemed to take forever for some reason. I was on my back for a good 20 mins and I started to panic. I know, I'm a worry wart. I started having a panic attack, sweating profusely and having trouble breathing. "Are you almost done? I think I'm going to pass out here" Needless to say, I think I scared the shit out of the doctor and the observing medical student. They hurried up and were done quickly.

So I am at the 30 week mark as of tomorrow. I'm getting bigger and still thankful that I discovered some comfy H&M Mama maternity jeans. Good thing I work from home, cause I wear them every day.

I heard of the best pregnant costume for Halloween. Half an Avocado - so classic. D can have been a tortilla chip. However this year we aren't doing anything - or I should say I'm not doing anything. D is going out for a Boys Night Out - which means that they will encounter lots of women who think Halloween is their one night for dressing up as a slutty kitty or a naughty nurse. Psssshhht Amateurs. I intend on going to see a movie late afternoon with Auntie and then coming home and doing nothing. Yes I know. I lead a VERY exciting life! I've been going going going for the past 2 weeks and I am looking forward to doing nothing this weekend :)

Have a safe Halloween!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Free wifi on flights is pretty nice....

Ok I've been bad at updating this blog. Thank god for free wifi on my fligt from SLC to Cinncinnati. Sorry for any typos but I'm on my iPhone which has a spell checking mind of it's own!

28 weeks down at this point We've still got lots to do before the baby Busch comes. Crib, clothes, birthing classes, tour of hospital, and I'm sure another other million things I'll forget about. c'est la vie!

D and I have had a busy few weeks. Last week we were in the OC camping (and working). We camped near Dana Point at Doheny beach. It was fun to see everyone - Especially D's brother and sister in law as well as their kids, 7 mos and 4 years. It was good practice for us when the little one comes. But honestly, these kids were so good that I feel that we will be in for a big suprise when our little one is a hell-ion.

We headed back from camping on Friday. It wasn't too bad of a drive - a few asshole drivers here and there- but we made it in one piece.

It was nice to be home. Doing laudry and checking email/ mail. Good times.

The next morning I caught a 7:30am flight to SLC to suprise Dee for her birthday. It was so good to see her and R and the little walking F who loves to say "uh ohhhhhh." It was a short and sweet trip as here I am again on a flight to Cincinnnati. I'll be in Dayton for a week training a new hire who will hopefully hit the ground running as I'm off on Maternity leave in about 8 weeks.

Dee described my babybump, which I flashed to her, as a "little basketball"!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

26 weeks down and I'm still feeling pretty good [knocking on wood]

I have been feeling pretty good throughout this pregnancy. No aches and pains. Its been pretty much smooth sailing - aside from a few things, i.e. clothes getting tighter, not being able to walk as fast as I used to (can't keep up with Daddy Long Legs). Today, I noticed however that my hips joints are starting to ache a little bit. I feel like that Barbie doll who had her legs twisted up to her ears in one big circle coming back to normal. I did a lot of walking today so perhaps that was the cause?

Today was the day that I officially became a "Busch" as I walked over to the Social Security Office this morning and applied to get my name changed. Yesterday we celebrated our 2 year anniversary, so I felt that it was time that I loose my maiden name. The whole process took under 10 minutes. I did get to the office before it open and hung outside on Valencia street with a motley crew of people.

There was a heavier set Mexican woman who was drinking a Steel Reserve (mind you, its 8:45 am) and being belligerent(harmlessly), talking about how she loves to paint and learned to do so in jail, which she had been in an out of numerous times. Did I mention she was the first person in line waiting outside the door for the office to open? And who says drunks don't have their shit together? From the looks of her, I would have guessed that she was in her mid-40's - her hands tattooed with 'Love and Hate' on the knuckles. Her face was weathered and she looked like she had a rough life. So, I was shocked when she was called up to the next window and shouted out her birthday. blah blah blah 1979. Holy shit. This person is a year YOUNGER than me?

So that was my experience today at the Social Security Office. It wasn't that bad but certainly not worth the 2 year wait.