Yes why let a little thing like pregnancy slow me down? This week I made a few Onesies (who wants a plain white Onesie anyways?) The one thing that irked me was when I intially printed these out, I forgot to reverse the actual images - so I had a sheet full of backwards stuff. D said "Put the alphabet one on backwards - that way when the baby looks in the mirror, they'll learn the alphabet!" haha gotta love his spirit. I settled for only one Punk rock one, Minor Threat (Which was my fav Punk group back in the day) And Yes, I lifted the other logos/images from the good old www. One has to be resourceful in order to be creative.
I did drop a pretty penny on some wall decals from Blik - I got this really cool Bull and Bee one - which is much bigger than I'd imagine it would have been. I'm thinking we'll put it in our bathroom, as we have nothing on the walls as of yet.
Well anyhow, I'm still on "cruise control" (thats what the doctor told me!) patiently waiting for this little one to come - and certainly savoring my last quiet moments.
D has been just great - and spoiling me by making dinner every night. And I'm not talking about Hamburger Helper dinner. I'm talking about Steaks, Chicken stuffed with goodness and other pretty fun meals. I know I haven't asked for much before, but please god - let this continue after the baby is born.
We are getting ready for D's Mom and Dad to arrive. They are coming up from the OC to spend the holidays with us. I'm really looking forward to it. Sure, its fun to open presents and eat great holiday meals - but the thing I enjoy most about the holidays (Aside from not working!) is spending time with family. It can't be beat. Christmas Day we are going down to Palo Alto to have a family meal with 27+ people. It will be interesting to see how my "Cruise Control" works - perhaps we will have a little one before the end of the year? (C'mon Tax break baby!!)
Wishing you and yours a very Happy holiday! I'm going to go and get my wall decal on!
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