I thought it would be fun to look at my 37 week Belly pic next to my 30 Week belly pic. Its amazing how much bigger I've gotten in 7 weeks.
I haven't really had cravings thru this pregnancy. Perhaps its because my brain is hard wired to eat healthy. D and I have been cooking at home (he's been making me loads of dinners) and we have a (fairly) very well balanced diet (if I do say so!). But this past 2 weeks I've been making weekly visits to Taqueria La Cumbre, my all time favorite burrito/taco place in San Francsico. I have to go to UCSF for my fetal monitoring and on my route home (up 16th street) if I find parking near Valencia, I stop at La Cumbre for a delish Grande Taco. I've been having really good parking karma the past 2 weeks, so let's see if I can keep it going on...

My other craving is Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. However, I do have a little self restraint (no Ice cream for breakfast or lunch!) Its my nightly ritual. D and I have been watching "True Blood" and what goes better with Sex, Blood and vampires than a little Ice Cream? We just finished Season 2 last night, and I must say I am quite impressed with the series and season story lines. I mean its certainly not Mad Men. Oh god, I can not wait until next season for some more Draper drama.
When I last purchased some Choc. Chip Cookie Dough ice cream at Whole Foods, the cashier asked me if I had tried the Oatmeal Cookie Chunk - which I haven't. And I've been on the hunt for it ever since. I even went onto the B n J website to locate where they carried it nearby. They say they carry it at Safeway. So we invited my mom over for dinner earlier this week and she asked if she could get us anything. "Ohhh can you stop by Safeway and get me some Oatmeal Cookie Chunk Ice Cream!?" She called me in a panic as they didn't have that flavor. WTF!? I'm going to send B n J a very heated email about their store locator.

Tomorrow we have our 37 week doctors appointment. I not too certain what to expect - "Am I getting a pelvic exam" "How close am I to going into Labor?" I'm sure the doctor will not have all the answers as I understand its close to impossible to predict just When someone will giving birth.
Basically, our doctor told us that there was a 20% chance that I could give birth this week or the next or the next. That means there is a 60% chance that I could go into labor before my due date (of Jan 7th). I then read that only 5% of women ACTUALLY give birth on their due date. Which means (if I did my math right) that the other 35% of suckers out there go into labor after their due date. Please, baby don't make me the sucker!!
Oatmeal cookie chunk is one of my most favorite flavors ever...a long with dublin mudslide and karmel sutra...excuse me i think i need to get out of bed to buy icecream to eat for breakfast...
ReplyDeletealso you are NOT allowed to go into labor until 3pm dec 20th! Thanks! xo