I found this article today, in regard to a Blue Moon. What a one liner our child can use in disputing a fact. "Right, and I was born on a blue moon. Oh wait I was!" Anyone that knows me, knows I am ALL about One Liners and Unanswerable Questions. Its just in my nature.
We had a great Christmas - had the In Laws staying with us and had a great time with them. Christmas Eve we drove around that day and saw the city. It was really nice as the streets were not packed with cars and people - as we avoided any of the major shopping areas! And I did finally make it up to Coit Tower - what a bad San Franciscan that I had never been up there before.
Christmas Eve we did a meal at our place and then opened gifts. To echo an earlier post - its just so great to spend time with family. We played lots of games (which I love!) - Farkle, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, Scene It, Wii Fit Plus (which E got us as a Christmas Gift). Christmas Day we had dinner down at Joe Joe and Claud. Again it was nice to see family - pork pressures aside. We did a White Elephant gift exchange which was fun as our family is so damn competitive.

I did walk away a victor with a huge bottle of Jameson Whiskey. The only one to walk away with the'only' booze present for the gift exchange - was the pregnant one.
So, I'm at the 38-39 week mark (Thursday I will be 39 weeks - C'mon Blue Moon!) I went to the Dr's for a check up yesterday. Aside from waiting an hour to be seen, it was an exciting yet disappointing appointment. The Dr walks in an asks the usual "How are things? Hows the baby?" and then he says - "So today we are going to sweep [the membranes]?" I wasn't mentally prepared for that - as he told me that we would talk about it the following week. For those of you who don't know, sweeping the membrane will increase the chances of going into labor (It's predicted that you will go into labor within 72 hours, give or take) Its a really simple procedure where the Dr simply makes a circular motion on a partial dilated cervix. However, in my case, I was not dilated at all. I am thinking this baby needs a formal invitation to join our family! Dear Baby Busch, Please join us for drinks and appetizers in celebration of your grand arrival!" Hopefully next week my body has done a little prep work and the doctor can try for a sweep again.
Tomorrow RnDnFinn are coming to visit us. I got to see them back in October (when I flew into SLC for one night). I'm excited to see how big Finn is getting. And of course, I'm excited to see RnD!
Ok Fingers crossed this lunar cycle mumbo jumbo works. Busch out. Little Busch out - literally :)
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