Frog Throw down at the Cal Academy of the Sciences.
We went to Nightlife at the California Academy of the Sciences in Golden Gate Park last Thursday. It was great - $12 to get in, 21+ over, and bars (ok the bars were not a main highlight for me) I really enjoyed walking around the Rainforest and exhibits without a million kids running around. Oh god, does that mean I am going to be a miserable mother?
On another subject, I have roughly 16 weeks until my due date. 16 weeks. It seems like alot of time. But we have so much still to do - Decide on childcare, update baby registry, doctors appointments, blood draws, weight gain, etc. Ok I'll stop myself there.
On a more serious note, there have been 3 murders in our neighborhood in the last week. I try to reassure myself that these are all "gang-related". But when these shootings happen in broad daylight 3 blocks from my house, I'm wondering to myself, "What if...I had been walking down that street...what if I had the baby with me" .
When we initially moved into our place in June 2008 there were a stream of murders (I want to say 15 people were killed in a course of 2 months.) The UPS driver informed me that one of the kids that was killed lived across the street. I remember when we moved in I would see a group of Mexican kids , decked out in white shirts which were 3x's too big hanging out in front of the house where the "kid" lived. We haven't seen them since the kid got killed. I've been trying to learn more about the gangs in our hood - the NorteƱos and Sorenos. Here is the recent news article I found about the murders 2 blocks from my house, mid-day Sunday on bustling 24th street.
To end this post on a more positive note - San Francisco's mayor Gavin Newsom and his wife had a baby girl last Friday. I hope that good ol' Gav is able to start implementing some more kids friendly activities (such as Sunday Streets)
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