So we made our first "big" purchase for the baby today - a Stroller! We found a Quinny Buzz in great condition on Craigslist. Its a great stroller and I love how easily the Maxi Cosi car seat adapts to the frame. D thought is was a little on the heavier side - but I feel we are going to be using it alot in the hood walking around so there shouldn't be too much need for me to lug it up our stairs. This nice thing is that the seat/car seat comes easily off the frame so if baby is asleep I just have to carry that part up.
So here I am at nearly 5 months.
I'm just starting to get an Outie. Thank god for maternity pants.
My staple articles of clothing while getting bigger:
1. H&M Mama Black pants
2. American Apparel - Bandeau dress worn as a high waisted skirt - nicely accentuates the baby bump
3. Empire Waist anything - thank you for coming back into fashion!
4. My Keds - they fit no matter how swollen my feet get.
I went to a few maternity shops and sample sales and was so appalled. The clothing for maternity is so hideous unless you want to drop the bucks for some designer duds. I lucked out BIG TIME when I hit up the Goodwill Boutique in West Portal one day. Not only did they have a selection of designer jeans on sale for $10/pair - I was able to find three pairs of newer Maternity (Sevens, Earl Jeans and Diesel). I've had some good luck scoring maternity clothes at Thrift stores. The best/cheapest purchase was a vintage black lace dress that I found while I was in Dayton, Ohio for a week for work. $2! I have yet to wear it as I'm saving it for a special occasion.
I did manage to find a cute jean skirt at Motherhood.
Ok enough about Maternity clothes and me - Its back to baby stuff....
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