I didnt really elaborate on "why" it was a sympathetic cold that I got. I was guessing that Max would feel a little under the weather from the vaccines (which he did not) so I am the one that got sick. Thus the sympathetic part. I think him getting the vaccines was harder for me - I nearly broke down crying in the doctors office.
Max had a serious of
"firsts" Thursday.
BART Ride - (The Pic below is not us, but I simply wanted to illustrate how hard it is to hold a stroller on the escalator, while people are whizzing by)

We went to go visit Grandma "Bootsie" at her new office at 45 Fremont. I honestly don't know how handicapped people get around using BART. The elevators outside the 24th street station are like walking into a men's urinal. I've made the mistake of taking them before - and they are so slow. Your trapped in this elevator with fumes of ammonia/piss looming all around you for a good minute. Its honestly one of the longest minutes of your life. I made the wise choice this time to take the escalator. I chose a time when I knew that it would not be too busy as I would be blocking people from walking down the escalator. Getting there was not the hard part, but the coming back was. It was 4pm Embarcadero station and the elevators are broken. There is a big sign on them saying, "If you need an elevator go to the Montgomery station." Yeah that helps me alot. I decide to brave the escalator with the stroller in the
rush before rushhour. Most people were sympatic when I would say "Sorry, Elevator is broken" as they squeezed by us to make their way down the escalator. There was one
A-Hole (a balding older man with thick framed nerdy glasses - think Stephen King) who was in a huge rush. First of all, he could barely squeeze by the stroller (Which I was holding onto with a
deathgrip to ensure it didn't go flying down the escalator). Well this A-Hole squeezes by us, and then his bag gets stuck on the stroller - so he yanks at it. Honestly. I yelled at him, as I was trying to hold onto the stroller for dear life and here he was yanking his bag making the stroller inch forward.
Some people just need a good smack upside the head. Good thing my hands were full, or I would have certainly delivered it to him.
Large scale Protest - We round the corner of 23rd and Capp and I see Mission street is closed down and filled with people holding signs. They are protesting a school crisis here in the city. There were a good 1000 people marching along. Luckily, we were able to sneak into BART with no problems.
Vaccines - this wasnt a fun "first" - Max got 2 shots the first visit and then I took him back yesterday to get his other 3 shots, getting him up to date for his 2 Month old immunizations.
Last weekend we were blessed with 2 nights of Max sleeping thru the night. It was nice to get ~ 8 hours of continous sleep. However, the nights of sleeping thru the night have passed as he's been up a few times the past 2 nights. Last night was the roughest. I am not sure if he was sleepless/hungry because of his vaccinations or maybe because his leg was achy. Hopefully tonight will be better?
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