Again, my A.D.D. kicks in and I digress. Today work was ok - had 7,500 emails in my inbox. Honestly. I even took a screenshot and was going to show you - but I got busy and forgot to save the screenshot. So yeah work was a-ok. The day seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was time to pick Max up from Paula's, his new abuelita. She is such a nice lady and I feel so lucky to have found her on the last day of my maternity. Its such a bummer that she doesn't speak English, as she seems like a chatty kathy and I love that. She was telling me stories this morning for a short while, but my Spanish is so bad that I just caught a word here and there and nodded and smiled. I searched high and low for about 6 months for childcare and had come up dry. Danny and I were going to try to juggle him while attempting to do our jobs. Thank god we were able to find someone to entertain Max and keep him happy. It was such a relief to get him home (Danny picked him up) and see him smiling and happy. Sure leaving him in the morning was a bit difficult, but I got back home and jumped right into work. Its so great that she lives only 2 blocks away. Yes, we are SO lucky.

Here's Max smiling after a fun day with Paula
Last night we went to Auntie and Uncles for dinner. It was fun to see the family and to have a great meal.
Ok the Mission Madre has lots to do before we head down to Orange on Wednesday afternoon. Hope to blog again soon
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