Danny took Friday off so we had a nice 3 day weekend. We got a lot of chores done which had been put off - vacuuming and laundry in particular.
I want to start this post by saying that
Max now has a girlfriend. Our friends, the Au's came over for dinner/catchup on Thursday night. They have an adorable little 5 month old. She took an immediate liking to Max :)

We had our meal and set the kiddos on the table in front of us. It was adorable when she reached over for Max's little hand. (Ok maybe she had a little help) Anyways Max was in his fav bouncy chair looking like a little prince. It was a fun evening and so great to meet their little on as well as catch up with A and T.
Saturday we went over to Alamdeda. We needed to take some dishes back to the Ruports - so I looked on Craigslist to see if there were any good estate/garage/rummage sales. I found one posting that boasted a lot of vintage designer stuff
(Cha ching!) and it was supporting helping seniors find affordable housing. I thought for sure it would have been a jackpot of goods. Which it was not. We walked into the community center and it was nicely organized piles of clothes. Nothing vintage - nor designer. Well, I shouldn't say nothing - there was ONE pair of Ferragamo heels which were so fugly that I'm sure
Imelda Marcos wouldn't have them in her shoe collection. Danny was strolling Max around the Community center and getting nothing but ohhhs and ahhhs over Max. It was cute to see him as the doting dad. I shouldn't say the rummage sale was a total bust - I did find one thing - a Talbots silk top reminiscent of something Marc Jacobs would make. I paid and was out the door as Max was fussing. I certainly would have been greatly disappointed if we had ventured over to Alameda just for this sale. I am looking forward to the next
Alameda Flea Market which is this coming weekend I think
We then stopped by the Ruports and had a great time hanging out with them the remainder of the afternoon. Andrea was trying her hardest (again) to get us to move to Alameda. We walked around their neighborhood and looked at a few houses for sale. To be honest, I'm not all that entirely opposed to moving over there. Great schools, safe neighborhoods, lots of families with kids. It was great to see the Ruport clan again, and A gave me her
Kangaroo sling as her youngest had outgrown it. The sling works quite well.
Danny and I had to be back in the city in time for our babysitter(Grandma Bootsie!) to come over and watch Max for a few hours that night. Danny and I went and saw Avatar. It was in the Imax theater and in 3-D. It was a
WHOOPING $17 a ticket too! geeebus. I haven't paid that much for a movie since I lived in England. Aside from being completely packed (we had to sit literally in the front row) the movie was great. After the movie we jumped on BART and ended up at
Rosamunde Sausage Grill at Mission and 24th. We had sausages and beer before heading home. It was a good night..Max had been easy on Grandma Bootsie so everyone was in a good mood.
So it's now March and I am going to officially start freaking out about having to go back to work. Granted, I don't have to go back until the end of this month - but it scares me to think of how quickly that will fly by - as this past 2 months has been a blur. I've had some trouble finding daycare with any openings for Max, so I am now evaluating other alternatives - work Part-time? Sharecare? Hire a Nanny? God,
childcare in SF is so bloody expensive.
This coming Thursday we take Max in for his 2 month doctors visit - which means he gets vaccinations. I'm not looking forward to it. I hate shots and I am sure he's going to cry bloody murder when he gets his. I know I will be crying inside for him.
Ok Mission Madre out.