"Steve Holt!"
- Steve Holt, Arrested Development
Max has had a busy week. Sleeping all day and wanting to play with mommy and daddy all night. Who knew newborns just want to paaaaaaarty? ok who am I kidding. Its exhausting. But we are finding that fine balance between "lack of sleep" and a "fuctional amount" of sleep. We've got toothpicks holding our eyelids open right now.
Wednesday D threw the little man in the Ergo Baby Carrier (best thing ever!) and headed to the library on 24th street to get D's first ever SF library card. It was a nice quiet time, so I was able to get a few hours of shut eye. Well needed and deserved, if I do say so!
Max has been getting the hiccups very frequently. When he was in my belly he used to get them 2-3 times a day. They don't seem to bother him all that much, but he won't sleep when he's got them, so we've just been staying up with him waiting them out.

Auntie came over yesterday for a quick visit. It was her bday and we gave her "I love Auntie" and "I love Uncle" bibs. We talked a little bit about the "Cheap Ass Bitch" and her decision to possibly move back to SF. But I'm not sure she'd be moving back - as she's been in NY for a long time now. She went from Boston to NY - I think SF had a summer in between. I'd selfishly love to have her in SF. And I'm sure Max would love to see Auntie Morg all the time. She can teach him all about getting cheap or free shit. That's how us girls roll.
So, I wanted to mention a few baby items we love: (I'll review them in greater detail when time permits - I'm one hand typing now as Max is snoozing in my other arm)
- Kiddopotamus (fleece, and cotton) Swaddle Me - we got the yellow one as we weren't sure if we were having a boy or girl
- Giggle basics - cotton hat, cotton tee and a cotton Halo sleep sack with Swaddling goodness
- my Diaper Bag (LeSportSac w. Diaper changing pad and loads of room for baby gear)
- ErgoBaby carrier (Black with Infant insert )
- Graco Pack N Play - with bassinet and changing table - absolutely the BEST thing we registered for.
- Diaper Dekor garbage pail - totally eliminates stinky diapers. But will review agian at a later date when we start to get really smelly ones.
- Fisher Price Bouncer - not only is it an adorable bouncer, it works great.
- Burp cloths (thanks Mel!) Never knew how handy these would come in. Plus they are home made w crocheted edges and pretty adorable. Your mom should set up an ETSY.com store! Ok I will stop using the terms "adorable" as I think I've used it a million times in this post.
Ok Max is rustling....Mission Madre out!
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