Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maternity leave is awesome.

Ok so maybe I'm not missing my job all that much. The first few days after I had Max, I did sneak a few peeks at work emails but now nothing. The sad part is that this 12 weeks maternity that I get off is going to come and go so quickly. tear tear...

So aside from bonding and caring for Max, I need to find a few other things to occupy my time.

Here are some ideas:
1. Go thru closet and get rid of stuff I have been holding onto since the 90's (It's not going to come "back" into style not matter how much I want to convince myself)
2. Make a light up costume
3. Learn a new craft - Crocheting? Knitting? Screenprinting?
4. Sell stuff - clothes, bags and other stuff I've been hoarding. Now I know where the Cheap Ass Bitch gets it from. I blame myself. And her.
5. Read more. I am starting Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle (which I borrowed/stole from Richard G. The reason I know this is his book, is that he made me write on the inside cover with a Sharpie "Property of Richard G.") D just finished reading it (in 2 days!) so hoping that we can have a chat about it when I'm finished. I need to find a book club. I have books I just ordered from Amazon on their way. I haven't read the latest David Sedaris book - so looking forward to that one coming. Also thought I would give "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" a chance. Any other books/authors out there that I should check out??

Rain Rain go away come again another day. I really wanted to take Max on a few walks this week, but its been raining non-stop.

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