Max's First Night in BKLYN with Daddy
Ok Ok - its been rough finding time to update my blog. (Thanks for mentioning that....Gloria) I have SO much to bitch about too. I apologize if the Mission Madre blog has turned into a platform of "Busch Bitching." I think I am the only Busch that bitches - so, why not have my own platform.... And also, wanted to comment on my no longer being the "Mission Madre". I will always be the Mission Madre. Even though I am no longer "geographically" located in the Mission District, I will always be the mommy ON a Mission - whether it be finding the best fun activities for Max or scoring cheap shit on Craigslist... My mission never ends.
Ok carrying on...going to try to wrap this one up
2a. The Move, Movers, lackeys, idiots, and ass kissing
3. Selling the House, Car, Bike, Kidney (kidding on that last one - but email me if you might be interested? hah!)
4. The Rendezvous
5. Operation "Move to NY"
2a. The Move, Movers, lackeys, idiots, and ass kissing CONT.
So, to make a long story short...there was some back and forth with the DB's (yes mother, I know douchebags have a use) that work at the moving company. They tried to delay our stuff arriving by a week - I had already bought plane tickets for my mom and I based on their original dates. After much "Busch Bitching" I was able to get them to commit to deliver our goods - on the day that we arrived into NY. Danny had his work cut out for him - he had to get a bed and get all our stuff delivered and partially unpacked. Not to say I didn't have a HUGE task as hand in getting Max, my mom and 170lbs of luggage from SF to our place in NY. Yes, that was NOT a typo - 170 POUNDS of luggage. More about the trip in Part 5.
3. Selling the House, Car, Bike
Things in our life somehow sold UNBELIEVABLY fast. This made me question whether we sold it for TOO good of a price? The house had an offer after the first open. The place looked AMAZING (will post a pic later) - so its not a shock that it went quick. But we were uncertain how the market in SF was going to be so we didn't price it too aggressively. Our car sold to the first person who say it - again it was in GREAT shape and we took care of it like our own child. So it was not a shocker that it went quick - and the guy who bought it brought cash. It was nice to have a ton of cash when I walked into WellsFargo. [plucking down a nice wad of hundies] "I need to make a deposit please". Teller: "Damn Gina!" And then I had to sell the AWESOME vintage Bianchi (which I never rode). I paid $125 for it down in Orange at the Salvation Army. I put it on Craigslist for $350. I don't know shit about bikes. But I DO know that hipsters in the Mission are always riding around on Vintage Bianchi bikes. I was able to sell the bike to the 2nd person I showed it to. Thankfully, my bro was there to answer any "bikey" questions.
4. The Rendezvous
Danny flew to Orange, CA to meet us at his parents house for the weekend. My mom, Max and I drove down from SF. It was a great weekend - and it was a really nice birthday present to be able to see my husband (who we had not seen for nearly a month) It was SO hard when Danny left. But I told myself, it was only another 2 weeks until we were in NY. Danny flew out on the 26th at night and we drove back to SF the next morning. I showed the car to someone the day after we returned and it was sold. Just like that the pieces to the puzzle fell into place.
5. Operation "Move to NY"
Luckily, we flew JetBlue which lets you check the first bag (up to 60lbs) for Free. I had to pay $30 as I checked 2 bags and a $50 overweight fee. Thankfully, Erin (my Bro) dropped us off at the airport and helped us get all the luggage to the counter. We said our goodbyes and I watched him walk away. And then I lost it. I sobbed uncontrollably, as I tried to check in at the JetBlue counter. I just couldn't help it. The culmination of our being apart from Danny for so long, stress of selling our house, living with my mom, leaving the life that we had built in SF - it all just came to a head and emotionally erupted - right in front of the poor JetBlue agent. "I'm - sorry - i'm-moving...sobbbbbb...." Gawd, I felt like a 5 year old kid. I quickly composed myself and we headed on our adventure. Needless to say, Max was great on the flight. We were able to get an entire row to ourselves, so had an extra seat where we could put Max's carseat. The flight was fairly quick and the flight attendants loved Max. We had a car pick us up at JFK and arrived at our new place around 8:30pm. I got out of the car, saw Danny, and started crying. "This really did happen, this is our new home, we did it" I told myself. I walked in our apartment and felt a HUGE sense of relief and the weight had lifted off my shoulders.
xx MM Out