Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Holy Hell. What a month its been...

There is SO much to talk about that I feel almost overwhelmed trying to organize my thoughts. So I am going bust out my English 101 outlining skills. Might have a few blog posts on this one....but let me [rolling up the sleeves, tucking a pencil behind my ear, pouring myself a nice glass of wine] get started

1. Danny starting work, my 'quittin' that shit'
2. Max and I at my Mom's
2a. The Move, Movers, lackeys, idiots, and ass kissing
3. Selling the House, Car, Bike, Kidney (kidding on that last one - but email me if you might be interested? hah!)
4. The Rendezvous
5. Operation "Move to NY"

Chapter 1. Danny starting work.
Danny thought it would be best to start his new job on July 1st to maintain a integrity of work and while also keeping continuity of benefits and paycheck. No disputing that. But God. July 1st came too fast. He flew out on a Tuesday night. I stayed with Max at our place one last time. We had no furniture [mattress on the floor 'bachelor style' - Max in a Pack N Play in the other room]. It was the last night that we'd stay there as it was too lonely without Danny. Danny job was going great and he was having lots of fun in NY, staying at Morgan's place in the East Village. Ah the time I have spent in the East Village - I was certainly envious when he mentions that he went to some of my favorite bars/restaurants.

{need to resume this post at a later time - helping my bro out)

Mission Madre Out

Friday, July 16, 2010

Does Max have two moms?

Max's first wedding in Napa (he was in his PJ's by 8pm)

Hello all my faithful followers! I'm sorry its been ages - but we've had a lot going on. Selling our place here in SF and moving to New York for starters. Also, I quit my job (Amen!), Danny started a new Job in NY July 1st, so Max and I have been crashing at Grandma's house until our apartment in NY is ready the first week of August. So, as you can see we've been busy.

So tonight, my mom and I take Max up the street for sushi in Cole Valley. The place gets packed quick. At the table next to us is a cute little girl (Nicola, 5) and she is quite the entertainer - Max is just loving it. He's all smiles and laughs, as she sings him "Twinkle Twinkle Little star." It really is the cutest thing I've seen. So she stops singing and then asks my mom "Does Max have 2 moms?" Hahaha! Only in SF would a 5 year old think to ask such a question. I loved it. Granted, it made me think "Oh My gawd. I must look like a lesbian*" (*not that there is anything wrong with lesbians, its just that I am not one.) But then I thought, mom must look like the lesbian! hahah

Ok I promise to post soon - If not, then I will post when we are settled in NY.

Sorry but this has to be a short yet sweet post - Max is sleeping in the room with the internet connection (stealing internet from my mom's neighbors hasn't worked out that great)

Big love to all my peeps out there...esp. Danny cause we miss him so much