I never thought I would say it - but I actually had a
plesant experience at the DMV last week when I was there. Don't get me wrong, there were 500 people in line and a handful of SF's own elite "freakfest". Thankfully, I had made an appointment to get my name changed on my driver's license. Otherwise the wait was estimated to be 1.5 hours. I was in and out of there in roughly an hour - and 15 minutes of that was standing in the wrong line! I spotted a few other pregnant women waiting but had no idea how "connected" we really would be. I took a seat just in front of window 8 - where they appeared to be calling all the numbers starting with J. I figured I was in a good place, and pulled out the iPhone to play a little
iFarkel. They call another J number and a Asian woman (about my age) goes up to the window. She's there for about 10-15 mins. I still play my game as my number is a few away from the current number. Pregnant asian lady is done and walks away.
"J somehing or other (i.e. my number), Window 8" I head up to the window and tell the guy (who is really pleasant) that I need to change my name as I have gotten married. He says, "Ah you're the 2nd one in a row!" and then I mention "Yeah AND I'm pregnant too (pointing out that the Asian chick in front of me was pregnant as well). We have a good laugh about it - as he rarely gets name change request back to back, let alone from pregnant women. I joke around that there is
One more on the way, Third times a charm! and we laugh. He gives me paper work and tells me to stand in the nearby line to get my photo taken. I mosey on over to the picture line and casually look over to Window 8 -
ANOTHER Pregnant Woman!. The clerk that I had just left - runs over to me - "Jennifer, its another name change! AND she's pregnant!! This IS my lucky day"
I guess Pregnant women at the DMV are like celebrities dying - we come in 3's!Last night, D and I went to a baby shower for the Wada's. It was at one of B's friends, who has a huge house in Oakland - it was a cocktail party tinged with a hint of baby shower. I'm glad that T and B came out as we wouldn' have known anyone there otherwise.
I'm looking forward to our Baby shower in a few weeks. People at the Wada's kept asking me "So, are you all ready?" My reply
Define Ready? I feel like we should be ready after the baby shower and certainly ready by the end of the year. Its hard to "get ready" when we don't know if its a boy or a girl. Our money is riding on boy - so we'll see. Economically, I think it was a very wise decision to not find out the sex, as this would have given me wayyyyy too much time to spend shopping on gender specific clothing. The
"Cheap Ass Bitch" in me is excited to go shopping after the baby comes in Jan, as there will be lots of stuff on after Christmas!