I brought back with me was a cold. I am just now am starting to feel better. Its been a hard week. I was so congested that it was hard to breathe. I was taking Sudafed (30 mg) as per my Doctors instructions, which seemed to temporarily work. I developed a cough mid week and discover the most magical elixir out there - Robatussin. That did wonders for my cough and the Sudafed eventually cleared up my congestion.
I had to get a girlie checkup, which you know is never pleasant. Argh Cold Duck Lips. I discovered that getting a checkup while 30 weeks pregnant - as well as having a cold is impossible. First of all, I was told (or maybe I read it?) that lying on my back for a period of time is not good as it restricts blood flow thru the Vena Cava and might affect the baby. So I started thinking about that while looking up at the ceiling. The exam seemed to take forever for some reason. I was on my back for a good 20 mins and I started to panic. I know, I'm a worry wart. I started having a panic attack, sweating profusely and having trouble breathing. "Are you almost done? I think I'm going to pass out here" Needless to say, I think I scared the shit out of the doctor and the observing medical student. They hurried up and were done quickly.
So I am at the 30 week mark as of tomorrow. I'm getting bigger and still thankful that I discovered some comfy H&M Mama maternity jeans. Good thing I work from home, cause I wear them every day.
I heard of the best pregnant costume for Halloween. Half an Avocado - so classic. D can have been a tortilla chip. However this year we aren't doing anything - or I should say I'm not doing anything. D is going out for a Boys Night Out - which means that they will encounter lots of women who think Halloween is their one night for dressing up as a slutty kitty or a naughty nurse. Psssshhht Amateurs. I intend on going to see a movie late afternoon with Auntie and then coming home and doing nothing. Yes I know. I lead a VERY exciting life! I've been going going going for the past 2 weeks and I am looking forward to doing nothing this weekend :)
Have a safe Halloween!