So I'm updating this at 23 weeks - as I didnt really have much to say early on. In fact, I secured this blog even before I was pregnant. I went to London for a week for work and came back feeling sluggish and tired. I thought it was surely the jet lag - but the pregnancy test said otherwise. I certainly did not believe my eyes, so I took another 6 tests. My disbelief was in the fact that the pregnancy test with the two lines can certainly be open to interpretation. "D, one line is darker and the other line is barel showing up - What do you think that means?!!" I went so far as to scour google looking for people posting about similar test results. I even called the company (First Response). Finally, after reading mixed feedback and getting the "sounds like your pregnant" from the company - I broke down and bought the Mambo Jambo of pregnancy test - the one that clearly reads "NOT PREGNANT" or "PREGNANT". Needless to say, the test finally showed clear and concise results - Pregnant.
Why I didn't just drop the $25 dollars in the first place to save all the confusion was beyond me. But thats just me, always looking for a cheaper alternative.
So we go to the Doctor in May (1 month along)- and I'm still apprehensive about really being pregnant. We get a ultrasound and the doctor shows us a little blob that is apparently a life form growing in me. I haven't had any significant indications that I'm pregnant - such as Morning Sickness, tenderness of the breasts etc. So this little blob could have just been some sort of anomaly the doctor found. I'm still not really sure I'm pregnant. (Yes, I am a little bit in denial)
I think the real "seal to the deal" was when we went back to the doctors a few weeks later (Maybe at the 3 month mark) and got another ultrasound - and saw the defining features of the baby. Nose. Hands. Head. Whoa - this is real!